lower your cholesterol featured

How To Lower Cholesterol Without Medication?

How can I fix my cholesterol? 

Hope you’re having a great day today. I had a couple minutes in my office. I was going to go through and answer a couple of the questions that you’ve been sending me. So here’s one from Judy B. “I just had my blood work done and my LDL cholesterol as 181. How can I lower that without medication? Thank you.” 

Understanding your cholesterol

Well, first of all, Judy, great question. And when we talk about cholesterol and we talk about good fats, bad fats and all that, it’s so confusing to most people. You have to understand HDL and LDL are the two lipoproteins that we typically talk about. And these lipoproteins are not really fat either. They’re fat and protein. The reality of it is that HDL is considered good fat which is what we get from our diet in things like good fish, and omega-3 fish oils. The good, healthy fats. And then the LDL is considered the bad fat.

We need both of them in the right balance to be healthy. The ratio of the two is more important than the total numbers of each individually. So we want to have a 1:2 – 1:3 ratio of LDL to HDL. The closer the ratio is to that, the healthier you are.

Why is my cholesterol elevated?

If cholesterol levels are elevated, it’s typically going to be dietary related. Now, you can have a genetic imbalance which we can do a genetic swab test and find out. You could have more LDL production inyour body. If that’s the case, you need to eat a Mediterranean type diet. That involves a lot of dark, leafy, green vegetables, sea food, seaweed, pink kimaya, and sea salt; a lot of minerals in the diet. Lots of good different colors, darker colors. 

Also, did you know that stress plays a huge role in your cholesterol levels as well? The more stress your body’s under, the more your liver is going to produce cholesterol. It’s a protective mechanism to help keep your brain healthy and your nerves healthy. 

Not only that, but if your body is in physical pain, that can actually lead to an increase in your LDL levels as well as your total cholesterol levels. If you’re dehydrated as well. Studies have shown that if you’re not drinking half your body weight in water every day, then you could have a higher increase in stress from a chemical standpoint. 

The more stress your body's under, the more your liver is going to produce cholesterol. It's a protective mechanism to help keep your brain healthy and your nerves healthy.


So don’t just look at one number on a blood test and worry or stress about that. There’s many, many things out there that play a role in the pattern. You should also look at your hormones. If your hormone levels are up, your cholesterol levels are probably going to be up as well. If your vitamin D level is low, your cholesterol levels are going to go up. 

Remember the liver makes cholesterol in the body. So if you’re stressed out, you drink too much, you have too many sugary foods, then those are the things that are going to lead to increased LDL levels. 


Mediteranean diet. Get 15 to 20 minutes of simple, easy exercise today. Go for a walk. Make sure you’re getting a good eight hours of sleep per night. Learn how to turn your brain off. Do some breathing exercises. make sure you’re taking a good multivitamin multi mineral. Change your diet. Hydrate. If it still doesn’t balance out, then we need to do a genetic swab test. They’re very inexpensive, and you can know a ton about your genetics. We can customize nutrition based off your DNA as well. 

So Judy, hope that helps. Don’t stress out too much. I’m so proud of you for working on your health and until we meet again, God bless you. God bless America. And God bless the world. Stay smart out there.

I’m planning future lives and want to make sure to talk about what people want to hear. Ask me a question and I’ll answer them soon!


Categories:  Q & A  |  Self Improvement

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