The significance of proper weight loss
I want to talk about weight management. It’s not as difficult as you might think. We develop programs based off of your individuality of your body types. The first 3 letters in diet spell die.. Nobody wants to die, but they want to reset their mentality. They want to have more energy. They want to be able to do what they want to do, when they want to do it, and with who they want to do it with.
I don’t care where in the world you are right now. I don’t care if it’s spring time, fall, winter, or summertime. It doesn’t matter. Your health is more than just looking good. We now know that obesity is the leading cause of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, Parkinson’s, dementia, and emotional disorders.
5 main reasons to lose weight now
The media isn’t talking about this. They don’t want you to know anything. At all. Number one, you’ll reduce your join pain. All of my patients that come in for joint pain get injections to deal with said pain, but they are also being talked to about their nutritional deficiencies. About their weight and lack of metabolism. If we can get 5, 10, 15 pounds off, it almost instantaneously takes the pressure off of your joints.
Number two, you’re going to sleep better. This is such a common problem. If you’re not sleeping, then you’re not healing. It’ll also alter your taste buds, so that you can continue to lose weight. A lot of times, you’ll see that patients will no longer enjoy the taste of unhealthy foods that they loved in the past. They’ll just lose their taste for it. You’re craving those sweets less and less.
Number four is that your hormones and metabolism will reset. So you’ll be getting your body to burn fat as fuel. If you’re still in the sugar burning phase, and not the fat burning phase it’s much harder to get your hormones regulated.
Finally, number five is it’ll boost your immune system. If you’re obese, your t-cells go down, your killer cells go down, your white blood cell function goes down. You’re more at risk when you are overweight.
We created this program out of frustration. I needed to lose 50 pounds and I couldn't do it.
And here’s the thing. This program we created was created out of frustration. I needed to lose 50 pounds and I couldn’t do it. When I was growing up, I would only eat junk food. So I had to develop body typing. There’s four basic body types and everyone types different. We’ll teach you all these things, along with the skills you need for your specific body type.
I have a formula that we created. It’s a nutritional spray that we created that’s an all natural homeopathic form that supports the liver, the adrenals, the thyroid, and the hormone system. It helps your body burn fat, and helps to stop those cravings. You can get healthy.
So if you want to learn more about this program, I want to challenge you. You’ve heard about 75 hard. Well there’s a 90 day easy program that we created. Go right now to to learn more. Go look at the testimonials. In 90 days you’ll look and feel better. Please don’t wait until it’s too late.
I’m planning future lives and want to make sure to talk about what people want to hear. Ask me a question and I’ll answer them soon!
Categories: Q & A | Self Improvement